During the week of 13-18th August eight club members undertook their Dinghy Instructors course. During the week they were trained in teaching beginners to sail in both double and single handed dinghies. As well as being able to teach afloat the candidates they each had to give a 10 min talk on some aspect of sailing in coastal waters. We were able to add Andrew Eastham (Fellowship Afloat) to the coaching team and his insights and experience certainly added to the content of the course. On the final day two external moderators visited and checked out the skills of the potential instructors as they taught a mixture of our own cadets and some of the adults who had been involved with the adult sailing sessions at the club this summer. By the end of Saturday afternoon the club could congratulate our 8 new Dinghy Instructors on successful outcomes. All eight candidates will be getting involved in the training at the club next season and should ensure a strong base for the future of both Cadet and Adult training.