From Carol Collier, Sarah Porter, Sarah Barber
This time last year, at the end of Cadet Week, as Mums to 6 Cadets and one Instructor, we were discussing the technicalities of sailing (being non sailors). Somehow, during that conversation, we ended up with the challenge of learning to sail in a year, culminating with the 3 of us entering in the Round Mersea Island Race on Wednesday 21st August 2013! We have been training since last year, in various vessels, at first under the expert tuition of the newly trained instructors, and more recently in Toppers to get a feel for the water, and in our preferred boat, a Vision! To commemorate our challenge, we would also like the club to benefit and we will be raising funds between now and the 31st August when we will be doing a few laps around the Salt Pool at the Woodup Pool Event!
We will be leaving a collection box in the club bar, and will have collecting buckets at the event on 21st August, and at the Woodup Pool Event – please give generously to the cause, and we will report back in early September with the final balance. The money raised will go towards the club boats both safety and maintenance of the club dinghies. The club dinghies have been well used this year and the money will be a great help to keep them in excellent condition.