East Coast Gaffers Tollesbury Rally 19-20 April 2014
Over the weekend TSC hosted the Smack Boat race that formed part of the East Coast Gaffers Tollesbury Rally. The small (12.5 ft) clinker gaff rigged dinghies started arriving late morning on Saturday and were unloaded at the Hard. There were also a couple winkle brigs and two Tollesbury members took part. SPT next door kindly agreed to allow us to use their car park for the trailers and couple of motor caravans which freed up space in our car park.
We had been asked to advise on a suitable course round our buoys which we did, hopefully providing an enjoyable, interesting and not too challenging circuit. The Club manned the Yellow Peril as start boat, the two ribs as support and Tango as a lead boat to guide the fleet round the unfamiliar waters. Also on the water were a couple of personal ribs and a launch. Our estimate of about one and a half hours proved to be just right and at the end of the race the participants enjoyed their well earned first pint (or several) in the Club which had opened at 5pm.
By 7pm they had migrated up to the Kings Head for their presentation, some food and probably a further pint or two. As well as the various awards to the sailors TSC was kindly acknowledged for its involvement.
On Sunday a cooked breakfast was provided for those sailors who had stayed locally and could face it after the evening before. And very good it was too!
The event went well and I ‘d like to thank all those who contributed, manning the boats, arranging the course, catering, bar etc. to a successful weekend. Our visitors seemed to enjoy the hospitality, to the extent that they may want to come back another year!
It was great to see some traditionally rigged boats on our (can I say that?) waters, when the Club has such a history of traditional sailing.
More information about the weekend will be found on the Old Gaffers Association website.
The pictures were taken by Kevin Barber
Chris Peet