Harwich Haven Authority has spent three days plough dredging at Stone Point, followed by a survey. The Channel Buoys have been re-laid close to their original positions.
The buoy positions are:
No. 9 GREEN 51:53.235 N 001:15.543 E
No. 11 GREEN 51:53.125 N 001:15.524 E
No. 14 RED 51:53.272 N 001:15.505 E
No. 16 RED 51:53.173 N 001:15.522 E
Soundings were taken on the morning of 3rd April and a minimum depth of 0.6m (based on a zero Height of Tide at Harwich) was found on a track through the adjusted buoyed channel. Depths on both sides of the channel at Stone Point can reduce steeply, with strong tidal flows on both the flood and ebb tides. The Channel is narrowest at Red no. 16, where vessels should pass close by and proceed with caution through this area. As a rule of thumb – if you can exit the Marina , you will clear Stone Point. For example a reading of 1.8m on the tide gauge in the marina entrance, equated to a minimum depth of 2m at no 16 Stone Point.