The Clubhouse and Bar will be closed until further notice.
The Sloe Gin and Casino Night are cancelled.
Keep an eye out for ‘Signals’ for further updates and information regarding future work parties etc.
That’s the short and sweet version. I was going to start with ‘It is with great regret’ but in my mind it kept sounding like an announcement of a death, which is what everyone is trying to avoid.
I know that ‘our’ government has not said bars should shut, just that people shouldn’t go there. As a small club we are in the fortunate position that we can survive without our bar income, so your Committee has decided to help keep temptation away from you by shutting.
The decision wasn’t taken lightly, but you may not be aware that one of our bar staff is currently self-isolating and another is in the ‘high risk’ group and I suspect we have many other members that fit into the ‘high risk’ category as well.
Also, we will not be opening the changing rooms as they say the virus could possibly survive for up to 72 hours on hard services and we cannot guarantee that the rooms will remain clean and safe. For the time being, the disabled/unisex toilet will remain open but use it at your own risk and it’s probably wise to take your own toilet paper soap etc as we cannot guarantee to keep them topped up.
Sailing wise, again keep an eye on Facebook, Signals etc. Easter is still a few weeks away and we may know more by then. If it’s safe to walk the dog by yourself, then it must be safe to sail, with the proviso that you can’t drown walking through a wood. ‘Social distancing’ is difficult to achieve with groups on shore and rescue facilities require two in a boat so the advice at the moment is that organised events should not take place.
The boat park will remain open as usual. As a reminder fees are due before the 1st April if you wish to take advantage of the offered discounts.
As far as I am aware the virus cannot be transmitted electronically, so please make all payments by BACS and email your boat park forms to our Rear Commodore. Include your ‘Surname’ and ‘BP’ in the payment reference.
Similarly, with membership fees. These were due from 1st March. Please make any outstanding payments via BACS and include your surname and ‘MEM’ in the reference.
Please avoid sending in cash or cheques.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we all get through this period safely and hope that blue skies, fair winds and calm seas are not far below the horizon.
And I hope it’s not too long until we can advertise our ‘Grand Re-opening Party’.
Stay safe.
Andy Hobden, Commodore, Tollesbury Sailing Club