A joint cruise with Tollesbury Cruising Club to Burnham, incorporting the TSC Crouch Cup.
Start time 0900
Start: Nass and committee boat (if there is one – otherwise Nass and Outer Limit Mark)
NW Knoll to starboard
Wallet Spitway to starboard
Swin Spitway to Starboard
Inner Whitaker to Starboard
Buxey no. 2 to Port
Finish: Inner Crouch to Port
If you want to cruise, no problem, the course is pretty much the same.
Berths can be booked at the marina. The TCC members have booked a meal at the Oyster Smack and we can try to add to the booking if you like.
On Sunday the plan to to sail to the Pyefleet and return on the tide to Tollesbury on Monday.
Please contact me if you want to participate in this joint venture.
Chris Peet.
mob. 07969034344.